Courvoisier Vsop 750ml
The delicate marriage of 4 crus for a subtly floral, uniquely complex richness. Our VSOP symbolizes the versatile and multi-layered nature of the House of Courvoisier.
The maturity of late stone fruits, drawn from the Borderies, Petite Champagne and Grande Champagne unveil a unique complex Fins Bois allows for a soft summer Jasmine to take the lead in this blend. Aged up to twelve years in our own proprietary barrels, VSOP?s aging techniques provide hints of gingerbread with a silky finish.FOOD PAIRING
This perfect match is all about balance. The floral nutty opulence of our VSOP is enhanced by the rich sweetness of Brie, a cheese famed for its mild, subtle decadence.OTHER INFO
750ml 40%